Todd Jordre Joins Horizon Health Foundation
April 23, 2024Plains Commerce Bank would like to extend our congratulations to Todd Jordre, VP Business Development in Aberdeen for his recent appointment to the Board of Directors of Horizon Health Foundation.
A lifelong South Dakota resident, Todd knows how important access to healthcare is to the success of a community. Horizon's mission of providing affordable and accessible healthcare for all is something that's deeply meaningful to him. His goal for his time on the board is to help the Foundation analyze and improve fundraising efforts, aided by his background in fundraising and investment campaigns.
"At Plains Commerce Bank we encourage our employees to get involved in the community and, if possible, on state-wide boards," says Jordre. "Our family has been blessed with healthy kids and now a wonderful new grandchild...many times being able to utilize health systems in our home communities. When I learned more about the mission and actions of Horizon Health and the many folks they serve, I felt it was a great way to have an impact on helping to further the healthcare of South Dakota"
About Horizon Health Foundation
The Horizon Health Foundation was established in 2016 to ensure rural health care access to those in need and provide funding for Horizon Health Care. Horizon Health Foundation, a tax-exempt, non-profit corporation, seeks through responsible activities to encourage and derive sustaining gift support from current and former patients and interested friends, including corporate entities. The Horizon Health Foundation, operating in coordination with Horizon Health Care, is the duly designated fundraising arm for Horizon Health Care. In the broadest sense, the purpose of the Foundation is to create an awareness of the financial needs of Horizon Health Care, which are not provided by patient charges and to systematically implement plans by which dollar needs can be met. For information about supporting their mission go to https://horizonhealthfoundation.com/
To read more about Todd or get in contact, click here.