SDHDA Announces Shawna Kleinwolterink as Top Loan Officer Recipient
October 12, 2021
South Dakota Housing Development Authority’s (SDHDA) annual housing conference concluded with the recognition of Plains Commerce Bank Senior Mortgage Banker Shawna Kleinwolterink as this year’s top loan officer for Area 4. This is the third time that she has received this honor.
For over 25 years, Shawna has been helping customers find confidence in their finances. She says, “The most rewarding part of my job as a mortgage banker is helping guide people through one of the biggest decisions of their life as they reach their goal of home ownership.”
“SDHDA is very proud of its Participating Lenders and the work that they do bringing affordable homeownership opportunities all across the state,” said Brent Adney, director of homeownership programs. “Recognizing Shawna for her efforts is just a small token of our appreciation to her organization and her strong commitment to SDHDA products.”
The SDHDA Loan Officer Recognition Program is an annual honor designed to recognize those loan officers who consistently promote affordable housing by offering SDHDA programs. All together the seven top loan officers originated $61.3 million in First-time Homebuyer loans during this last year.
In addition, SDHDA honored Plains Commerce Bank as one of the top five lending institutions within the state.
About South Dakota Housing Development Authority
South Dakota Housing Development Authority (SDHDA) was created by the South Dakota legislature in 1973 with a stated mission to provide decent, safe and affordable housing to low- and moderate-income South Dakotans. SDHDA is a self-supporting, nonprofit entity that uses no State tax dollars to fund its operating budget. SDHDA utilizes housing bonds, tax credits and other federal and state resources to fund housing programs that provide mortgage and downpayment assistance, housing construction and rehabilitation, homelessness prevention and rental assistance.