Aberdeen Branch Honored with United Way Award
March 30, 2021
We’re thrilled to share that our Aberdeen branch received the Give from the Heart award from the United Way of Northeastern SD! Every year, Plains Commerce Bank of Aberdeen has raised more funds than the previous year. Our bankers love their community and are always looking for ways to help out, so we aren’t surprised to see them recognized with this award!
Aberdeen employees share why the United Way is so important to Plains Commerce.
How is Plains Commerce involved with the United Way?
We have always had an employee of the bank on their board of directors, and that person spearheads the contribution campaign each year at the bank. The United Way in our region allocates funds received each year to 20 nonprofit agencies in the community.
When did Plains Commerce start partnering with the United Way?
For over the past 25 years, the bank has been involved with United Way.
Why is the United Way something the bank has chosen to support?
Because the United Way funds so many agencies in our community. We know so many of the people that use these services, whether on an occasional or daily basis, including employees and their families.
How have you grown support through your employees to help the United Way?
This past year, our support increased substantially due to the increased need due to COVID-19. Many of the agencies rely on their own fundraisers, which they had to cancel, postpone or drastically scale down.
Almost all employees contribute, most because they choose to do so on their own. However, the bank does provide the incentive that if anyone contributes a day’s pay over a year’s time, they will receive a day of paid vacation time. Two days’ pay contributed receives two days’ vacation.
How have the bank’s giving numbers increased over the past handful of years?
After completing our campaign results this year, we increased our total employee contributions by 19.9% from last year. That’s an increase of $3,680 from the 2019-2020 campaign.
What does this award mean for Plains Commerce?
It shows that we truly care about our community, which definitely needs the added support in this different and difficult time of COVID-19. This award is given to only 2 or 3 businesses each year and is based on annual increase in contributions. Since 2015, our giving has increased by 40%.
How were the funds used?
The funds raised for the United Way were used for youth development, COVID-19 emergency relief, basic needs, emergency services, disability/health/wellness, mental health and money for seniors. For example, some of the COVID-19 emergency funds were used to purchase over 100 thermometers for local businesses, 75 gallons of hand sanitizer for non-profits and 467 meals through Meals on Wheels.
What are some of the agencies that receive United Way funding?
The United Way partners with the Aberdeen Family YMCA, Aberdeen Senior Center, Boys & Girls Club, Habitat for Humanity, Northeastern Mental Health, Senior Companions and The Salvation Army, among others.
What does giving from the heart mean to the Aberdeen branch?
Due to the generous and caring group that we have, we qualified for the United Way GIVE FROM THE HEART AWARD! Terry was very proud and happy to make the announcement that we had gotten the award. It shows that we care about our community and want to keep investing in these resources.