March Money Madness

Get ready to score big with March Money Madness. As an exclusive offer for our customers in Aberdeen and Mitchell, you'll have the chance to win big.
Get in the game with our Slam Dunk and Alley Oop offer. Open a new consumer account or loan with us and receive $50. Want to join in on the action with a friend? Refer-a-friend and you both get $50.*
But that's not all. Make the most of your debit card and you could be a winner in our Sweet 16 sweepstakes. Make 16 debit card transactions between March 1 - March 30, 2023 and get your name entered in a drawing for our Final Four $100 Cash Giveaway.
And don't forget about our Game Day Party Pack! Each debit card transaction made between March 1-March 30 will earn you an entry for a chance to win our Game Day Party Pack. The pack includes a Big Screen TV, Plains Commerce Bank Gear and Game Day Snacks & Beverages.
Stop in today to get in the game! Don't miss out on the chance to win big by participating in March Money Madness at Plains Commerce Bank.
Slam Dunk
- Receive $50 into a Plains Commerce Bank account when you open a new consumer account or loan.*
- Receive an additional $50 into your Plains Commerce Bank account for each referral (assist)
that also opens a new consumer account or loan.*
Sweet 16
- Make 16 debit card transactions between March 1 - March 30, 2023 and get your name entered in a drawing for our Final Four $100 Cash Giveaway.
Game Day Party Pack
- Each debit card transaction made between March 1-March 30 will earn you an entry for a chance to win our Game Day Party Pack. Game Day Party Pack includes: Big Screen TV, Plains Commerce Bank Gear and Game Day Snacks & Beverages.
*Sponsor: Sponsor: The sponsors of the March Money Madness Sweepstakes are Plains Commerce Bank 1130 S Burr Street, Ste. 100, Mitchell, SD 57301 and Plains Commerce Bank 524 S. Dakota Street, Aberdeen, SD 57401. Eligibility: Must be a minimum age of 18 to participate. If you are an employee or staff member of Plains Commerce Bank, you are not eligible to participate and/or win. Family members of employees, which includes siblings, parents, significant others, children, grandchildren, or grandparents, are also not eligible to participate and/or win. Also, people living in the same household or individuals otherwise excluded are not eligible to participate/win. Odds of winning depended on number of entrants. Open to customers and non-cusomters. For mail-in submissions, please send your first & last name along with your phone number to Jill Luque, Market President, 1130 S Burr Street Ste. 100, Mitchell SD 57301 OR Adam Butcher, Market President, 524 S Dakota Street, Aberdeen SD 57401. How to Participate: Sweet 16 debit card promotional period is March 1 - March 30, 2023. Winners will be drawn at random. On March 31, 2023, four (4) $100 cash winners will be announced and contacted directly for customers who make 16 debit card purchases within the promotional period. Only transactions that post and settle within the promo period that are initiated by a debit card are eligible. Entrants may have their names submitted without the use of debit card in person or at any of our bank locations, or entrant name will be submitted on behalf of the bank once when a customer uses their debit card 16 times to make purchases within the promotional period. Purchases must post and settle by the last day of the promotional period for the entry to be submitted into the cash winner promotion. Winners will receive $100 deposited directly into their Plains Commerce Bank checking and/or savings account. All Sweet 16 entrants will also be eligible for the Championship Game Day Party Pack: On March 31, 2023, one winner will be drawn for the championship game day party pack with retail value of $500.00. Championship game day party pack is not available for cash alternative. Entrants may have their names submitted without the use of debit card in person at any of our bank locations, or entrant names will be submitted on behalf of the bank with each debit card transaction during promotional period. Purchases must post and settle by the last day of the promotional period for the entry to be submitted into the championship game day party pack package bonus. All winners must pickup their prize/bonus on or around April 3, 2023. Slam Dunk account opening bonus of $50: You must open a new Plains Commerce Bank consumer checking or savings account, OR a personal loan between the promotional period of February 1 - March 30, 2023. Application and qualifications apply and are subject to credit approval. Personal loan types for the account-opening-incentive are limited to vehicle and recreational vehicle loans. The $50 incentive will be paid on the day of account or loan opening. Limit one account opening each for consumer checking and loan incentive per household.$50 may be deposited into a a Plains Commerce Bank checking account, savings account, or a cashier's check will be issued. Alley-Oop referral bonus: to receive up to 5 (five) $50 referral-incentives during the promotional period, Plains Commerce Bank customer referral must open a new Plains Commerce Bank consumer checking or savings account, or a personal loan within the promotional period of February 1 – March 30, 2023. Personal loan types for the account-opening-incentive are limited to vehicle and recreational vehicle loans. Limitations also include one new account and loan incentive per household, with each being $50 for a total of $100 per household. Account opening referrals and referral incentives will be deposited into both the referrer and referee Plains Commerce Bank checking account, savings account, or issued a cashier's check on day of account opening and tracked and recorded by Plains Commerce Bank. Referrals can be made online or in person at a Plains Commerce Bank 1130 S Burr Street, Mitchell, SD 57301 or Plains Commerce Bank 524 S. Dakota Street, Aberdeen, SD 57401. For $50 account opening bonus and referral bonus (Slam Dunk and Alley-Oop): no minimum balance to obtain the $50 bonus, no minimum balance required to open the account, annual percentage yields for consumer checking and savings account may vary depending on the account type chosen and the amount of the initial deposit or balance. For example, Plains Savings account earns 0.45% annual percentage yield with no minimum balance to open and no minimum daily/monthly balance to obtain APY. The $50 bonus will be deposited into a Plains Commerce Bank checking account, savings account, or a cashier's check will be issued on day of account opening. To be eligible for bonus, account or loan must be opened between February 1, 2023-March 30, 2023. Interest Checking: The interest rate(s) and annual percentage yield(s) are accurate as of 02/01/2023. The interest rate for your account account is 0.05% with an annual percentage yield of 0.05%. At our discretion, we may change the interest rate on your account at any time. You must maintain a minimum balance of $0.01 in the account each day to obtain the disclosed annual percentage yield. Choice Checking: The interest rate(s) and annual percentage yield(s) are accurate as of 02/01/2023. The interest rate for your account is 0.10% with an annual percentage yield of 0.10%. At our discretion, we may change the interest rate on your account at any time. You must maintain a minimum balance of $0.01 in the account each day to obtain the disclosed annual percentage yield. Plains Savings: The interest rate(s) and annual percentage yield(s) are accurate as of 02/01/2023. The interest rate on your account is 0.45% with an annual percentage yield of 0.45%. At our discretion, we may change the interest rate on your account at any time. You must maintain a minimum balance of $0.01 in the account each day to obtain the disclosed annual percentage yield. Fees may reduce earnings on accounts.Limitations of Liability: By participating in the Sweepstakes, each participant and the winner agree to indemnify, release, and hold harmless Plains Commerce Bank and any promotional partners, each of their parent, subsidiary, affiliate and related companies, and each of its and their respective officers, directors, employees, and agents from and against any losses, damages, rights, claim or cause of action of any kind resulting directly or indirectly, from acceptance, possession, use or misuse of any prize awarded in connection with the Plains Commerce Bank March Money Madness Sweepstakes, including without limitation personal injury, and/or property damage, as well as claims based on publicity rights, defamation, and/or invasion of privacy. Plains Commerce Bank is not responsible for: (1) any incorrect or inaccurate information, whether caused by entrants, printing errors or by any of the equipment or programming associated with or utilized in the Sweepstakes; (2) technical failures of any kind, including, but not limited to malfunctions, interruptions, or disconnections in phone lines or network hardware or software; (3) unauthorized human intervention in any part of the entry process or the Sweepstakes; (4) technical or human error which may occur in the administration of the Sweepstakes or the processing of entries; or (5) any injury or damage to persons or property which may be caused, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, from entrant’s participation in the Sweepstakes or receipt or use or misuse of any prize. (6) Prize awarded will not be replaced if lost or stolen. Additional Conditions: Prizes awarded on 3/1/2023 by random drawing of entrants. Prizes must be picked up within 10 business days or this can result in forfeiture of prize(s). If there are not entrants for any part of the March Money Madness Sweepstakes, no prizes will be awarded. If, for any reason, Plains Commerce Bank is not able to complete the March Money Madness Sweepstakes as intended, Plains Commerce Bank reserves the right at its sole discretion to cancel, terminate, modify, or suspend the Sweepstakes. Sweepstakes rules can be amended any time by Plains Commerce Bank without notification. Entrants agree that all disputes, claims and causes of action arising out of or connected with Plains Commerce Bank. Publicity: Except where prohibited by law, by entering a Drawing or by winning, entrants grant to the Sponsor the right to publicize the entrant’s name, photograph, image, likeness, voice, statements, and biographical information in all manner and media, worldwide, in perpetuity, for advertising, trade, and promotion purposes without compensation and without opportunity for review. Participants agree and acknowledge an IRS form 1099-MISC may be filed for the winner.